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Club Membership fee = £10/year for Preschool members, £25/year for recreational members and £30/year for development/advanced members - due to be paid every August (reduced rates for members joining later in the year).


Insurance fee = £18 for Preschool sessions (not baby class), £24 for recreational members and £50 for development/advanced members - due to be paid every August (or 3 weeks after starting the club) directly to British Gymnastics.


Class fees:


£4 per session for Baby class (8 week to 2 years)


£20/month for all other preschool classes


£32.50/month for 2 hours per week


£40.80 for Thursday Advanced boys class (3.5 hrs/week)


£45.80 for 4 hours per week


£57.50 for Advanced boys Thursday & Friday (5.5 hrs/week)


£62.50/month for 6 hours per week


£10/month to join the display team (children aged 8 years or older who are currently members of the main club

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